The Environmental Science Center’s free, four-part workshop is designed to give teachers the tools and confidence to successfully lead quality outdoor learning experiences with their students. Our lessons, focused on the local phenomena of salmon and watersheds, are aligned with the Next Generation Science Standards and developed for 4th-8th grade students. With our tips for teaching outdoors, teachers will be able to guide students in exploration and science investigations in their schoolyard. Students will learn that local actions, in their neighborhoods and at their school, have the ability to make a difference.

Teachers Receive
15 STEM clock hours for completing the workshop
NGSS-correlated lessons and other resources
Bucket of materials to support lessons
$150 participation stipend upon completion of the workshop
Additional $100 stipend for implementing an environmental action project with students
Assistance in planning and carrying out environmental action projects in the schoolyard
Student-facing materials available in Spanish and some other languages
Opportunities to collaborate with other teachers
"It's almost like the classroom is such a rigid structure but outside they flourish. It was super cool to see and a relief that these kids were finally getting a chance to express themselves."
- Middle School Science Teacher

Workshop Objectives
Participants will increase their knowledge of local watersheds and understanding of salmon habitat needs and challenges they face including stormwater pollution.
Participants will collaborate with their peers to synthesize outdoor learning resources and plan relevant lessons.
Participants will practice guiding students through quality outdoor science experiences.
Participants will practice facilitating student-led environmental action projects on their school grounds.
Workshop Outcomes
Participants will acquire strategies to implement standards-correlated lessons involving quality outdoor experiences for students.
Participants will deliver powerful learning experiences using a physical tool kit that supports outdoor learning and lessons that best fit their students’ needs.

Thursday, February 6th 2025 – 4:30 pm to 5:30 pm on Zoom
Saturday, February 8th 2025 – 8:30 am to 1:00 pm at Seahurst Park
Thursday, March 6th 2025 – 4:30 pm to 6:30 pm on Zoom
Saturday, March 8th 2025 – 8:30 am to 1:00pm at Seahurst Park
Some asynchronous time is required outside of these dates and times.

Contact Hanna Jones (hanna@environmentalsciencecenter.org) for more information.
From Salmon Heroes to Schoolyard Heroes is generously funded from the following: